National qualifiers

for the International GS Trophy 2024 in Namibia
1. Jan 2023
Deutschland, Germany

Welcome to Namibia

Welcome to Namibia

The venue of the Int. GS Trophy 2024 has been announced: The event will take us to Namibia. Participants can look forward to picturesque landscapes, a vast variety of wild animals, crimson sunsets and an overwhelming, starry night sky. We are already looking forward to this great country and its welcoming locals. However, first, the best enduro riders must demonstrate their skills at national and regional qualifiers. The best can look forward to a place in one of the 22 national teams – and with it a ticket to Namibia.

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The countdown has started

There's still some time until the official launch of the Int. GS Trophy 2024. National and regional qualifiers will give us a taste for the real thing. There are 15 national and regional qualifiers worldwide, as well as an international qualifier, where experienced enduro riders will be able to show off their skills. Those riders managing to come out top in navigation exercises involving GPS, off-road riding or technical tests will secure a place in one of the 22 national teams. Ladies’ teams prevailing at national level will win a trip to the international ladies qualifier. A total of 6 ladies’ teams will be determined at this event and they will join the 16 men’s teams boarding the coveted flight to Namibia.

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International qualifier

International qualifier

For those unable to spot their home country on the list of national or regional qualifiers, there is no reason to be disappointed. As part of BMW Motorrad Days, we are, for the first time, offering an international qualifier to give even more enthusiastic enduro riders a chance to take part in the Int. GS Trophy 2024. More information about registration will follow shortly.

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